Doctor Oblivious: A Podcast, Idiot
by Brian Geller, DC
Since Feb 17, 2019 18:46 UTC
In My Whey Podcast is hosted by me, Brian Geller, DC, a chiropractor out of Buffalo, NY. Originally started as a fanzine in the summer of 2011, In My Whey was created to capture all things strength in the hardcore/punk community. The fanzine embodied the DIY movement by self-publishing, editing and funding the entire project, with no ads nor sponsors. In My Whey Fanzine featured a wide range of interviews with people ranging from elite-level powerlifters, strength coaches, recreational lifters, musicians in touring bands to diet advice, steroids, music and more. After publishing 2 volumes of In My Whey Fanzine, I decided to take a break from zines and focus on school…8 years later and I started up my first podcast: ‘Doctor Oblivious; A Podcast Idiot’, publishing 6 episodes in 2019. While I was happy with the progress I was making, I wasn’t really satisfied with it, feeling as if I pigeon-holed myself to a certain standard of who I should interview or what I should be talking about. I wanted to make a change. Fast forward to 2020 and I am taking a new direction with the podcast: In My Whey Podcast. Continuing off the roots that was In My Whey Fanzine, a DIY podcast with hardcore/punk drive, a doctorate level education and just enough money to buy the cheapest microphones.
Categories: Comedy, Education
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